Funding The Olympic DrEAM

Campaign expenses total around $60,000 CAD/ Year. With around half of that being covered by National team funding I am left to raise between $25,000 and $30,000 through donations and sponsorship

Without the generosity of people like yourself my Olympic journey would not be possible and so I am forever grateful for every contribution.

As a thank you, all monthly contributors will be able to have their name written on my boat for all regattas and racing !

How much does a campaign cost?

  • 4 sails a year at $850 each

  • 3 Trips to Europe, $1500 each

    1 Trip to Australia, $3000

    3 Trips to the US, $500 Each

  • 2 Wetsuits per year, $350 each

    4 sets lines per year, $50 each

  • 5-6 regattas per year ranging from $350-$650

  • My budget for food is $30/Day while on the road

  • $800/ Month

  • Boat transport, Boat Charter, Gym fees, Launching fees, Club dues, Team fees…

OPPORTUNITIES for your Brand

Branding on the Sail

Branding on the Hull

Branding on the JAmes!

Opportunities for branding with James exist at every level. If you are interested in associating you brand with James please reach out by clicking HERE and we will set up a personal meeting.

Tax receipts available for donations made through Wind Athletes